Akitika exhibited at RMAF 2015, the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, held in Denver on October 2, 3, and 4. This was our first time exhibiting at any show. Wow...what a show! By rough count, there were 400 vendors. Amplifiers that cost $130,000. Speakers that cost $190,000 (don't worry...that's for the pair!). Rowland Research showed a $38,000 (cost effective) integrated amp with a 1500 Watt power amp, every imaginable digital input, and a big screen, maybe 6"x8" to control everything. There were hundred of guys, it seemed, showing headphones and headphone amps. Every kind of tweak and gadget you could imagine was on display somewhere.
We had a booth for Akitika and Updatemydynaco in Evergreen Salon C. Here are a couple of pics of the booth. Jake is building a PR-101 on the Akitika side of the booth, and giving soldering school lessons. Steve is updating a Stereo 120 on the Updatemydynaco side, and also running his own special version of soldering school.
Press coverage was pretty good. Here are a couple of links that mention Akitika:
There were a number of other good reports on the show with lots of great pictures. Here's one:
We don't do speakers. Thankfully, ELAC does. ELAC's new (soon to be shipped) F5 speaker system was demonstrated at the show. It knocked my socks off. There were a bunch of us walking "barefoot" through the halls of the show after visiting ELAC and hearing the F5. The speakers are only $279 each. I ordered a pair from Amazon within 15 minutes of having heard them. I think these speakers represent a new benchmark combination of value and sound quality. Andrew Jones, their designer, was kind enough to take a picture with me.
I have long admired the theoretical work of Sigfried Linkwitz. He had a room where he demonstrated Linkwitz Labs designs. They look unconventional, but sound good, and are always supported by elegant theory. Sigfried was a really nice guy, and also a good sport, willing to also take a picture with me.
RMAF was a blast. Fun for exhibitors, and even more for for exhibitors running around like civilians! Kudos to the organizer, Marjorie Baumert, who, with help from the Colorado Audio Society, pulls this big show off year after year. As a newby to the show, I was impressed by Marjorie's organization and responsiveness, and by the scale of the show. Even though a "big" show...it always had a very congenial feel.
If you can, make plans to visit RMAF 2016. I think you'll enjoy it!